Hydrologist reckoned that total water resources in the world is about 1.38 billion,while
97.5% of the total amout is sea water(1.345billion). fresh water is only about 2.5%,and the
most of them are snow and glacier in polar region and groundwater, only 0.01% of them
suitable for hunab being. In 20C, world population is increased 2 times, while water use is
increased 5 times. Many countries in the world are facing with water resources
crisis:1.2billiomn people is lack of water use,3billion people is short of water use sanitation
establishment, and 3million to 4million people every year is died of malady related to
water. unto 2025, water crisis will overspread to 48 countries and 3.5 billion people is in
water shortage condition. Ecosystem deterioration and biology diversity demolish of water
crisis will also threaten to human being.
At present, fresh water in the world is only 2.5% of the total water quantity, while the
fresh water which human being really utilized is only 0.26% of the total water quantity. The
global fresh water distributing is imbalanced, among them, Brazil, Russia, Canada, China,
American, etc. Fresh water in these nine countries is about 60% of the total fresh water.
Countries and districts of 40% world population are severe lack of water.
Experts indicate: with the gradual lack of water resource, the dispute about water will be
more ardent. Water crisis has been a world problem.