The chemical cleaning for RO system assures lasting and stable running of the system,
enhances running efficiency, and extends running period as well as the service life of the
system. MTSC membrane special cleaning agent of Purally Water provides perfect system
cleaning maintenance service.
MTSC200 is a low PH liquid formula which removes metal hydroxide scale, calcium
carbonate scale and other scales. It is also used for aromatic polyamide RO membrane,
hollow fiber membrane, Nano Filtration and ultrafiltration. Excellent cleaning effect extends
membranes' runtime.
MTSC300 is a high PH liquid formula which removes grease, organics and biological
membrane on membranes' surface. It is also used for aromatic polyamide RO
membrane, hollow fiber membrane and Nano Filtration and ultrafiltration.
MTSC400 is a complex cleaning agent for calcium sulfate, barium sulfate, strontium
sulfate, calcium fluoride. It is also applicable to remove iron oxidize, hydroxide and calcium
carbonate. MTSC400 gains better effect with high PH cleaning agent (MTSC300).